So You’re Dead. Now What?

Having just spent the past two days escaping a pending snow tsunami headed for my hometown, I just arrived in Central Florida for a week’s R and R. It seemed appropriate to re-blog my post from one year ago. Haunted Mansion, here we come!

haunted mansion1

I’m going to Disney World!

As I write this blog, I’m seated on our patio in Florida, having just arrived after a 19 hour drive from Canada.  It’s March Break and we’re here for a week to relax, enjoy the sun and hit the Parks.

I also promised myself a blog update.

We’re Disney World regulars, and, as a middle-aged guy, I am not ashamed to say my favourite attraction/ride at Disney World has always been the Haunted Mansion.  In fact we have fast-passes reserved for tomorrow at 10:10 a.m.

I thought I was savvy when it came to Disney.  I’ve read books, researched, and know enough to debunk the whole cryogenic head rumor.

But I didn’t know this.

Park goers – occasionally – spread the cremated ashes of their loved ones, on the Haunted Mansion ride.

Yes, at both Disney World and Disneyland.

The Disney Corporation fields requests every year from mourners asking if they…

View original post 299 more words

27 thoughts on “So You’re Dead. Now What?

    1. Thanks Susan! Temp here is not hot, which is okay, we drove early Saturday morning, crossed through Buffalo at 3 am, it was 15 F and snow flakes. Pennsylvania dropped to 11F and the occasional blizzard ( a mojito would have calmed my driving nerves at this point). Stopped overnight in South Carolina, a balmy 56. When we arrived at the condo, a nice 77F. We’re settled!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yeah, we are supposed to see some snow where I am currently residing. Glad to hear you are safe. Hope your view is killer & raise a glass to the ocean for me! PS Say hi to Sam Axe for me

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Too funny. Creepy spray the ashes their love one on the wanted mansion. What the hell are people thinking those days. It is going to bite them in the ass when the ghost of their love ones will follow them home. And their house is going to be the main attraction for ghost busters. Oh! well chest la vie or chest la mort.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I did not know that about spreading of ashes. I’m not sure what I think about it now that I DO know that.

    March Break in Ontario 2017 = day light savings time, full moon, and a pending snow storm. Is that a triple threat or what!? Enjoy your time in Florida!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Some things you cannot unread Maggie.
      We departed our home for the drive to Florida, it was -5, clear, 30 minutes later we were across the border, Buffalo was -9, with some snow. Pennsylvania was -11 and snow-snow-snow. Even the Virginias were not welcoming.
      But we arrived happy, in one piece, and other than having to rinse all the salt off my car, we’re good.
      Cheers, thanks for visiting!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, two parks down and two to go. We have season passes, so it’s much less stressful visiting, no need to try an squeeze in every attraction. I’m good for about 3-4 hours, then back to the condo for beer and maybe a dip. Cheers!


    1. We may just pass one another on the I4, me heading west, you heading east. We bought a small condo near Disney five years back when the market was in the toilet, I try to get down at least 3-4 times a year. I still love the 4 seasons we have in Ontario, but a break, especially in winter or early Spring, is always nice. And I can live with Trump. Cheers, thanks again for commenting!

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