Happy Anniversary

2 year wordpress anniversary (2)
November 2017 marks two years since the inception of my Blog. To commemorate, I’m taking my laptop out for dinner and drinks later.

Two years may be a drop in the bucket for some, but for me, it’s a significant achievement, one I humbly acknowledge. While my posting frequency has grown sporadic as of late (including the occasional—and dreaded—re-blog), I’m still at it, still posting when I (think) I have something of value to share, and still engaging with my Bleeps (BLogging pEEPSa term I just made up).

So—after 24 months and 119 posts, what pearls can I share?

That depends on how you define success. If monetary gain, fame and a 1000-hits-a-day are your sole motivators, you should probably look elsewhere.

But, if your goals hinge on surviving an exponentially growing cyber arena where 90% of new blogs extinguish within 3 months; I’ll share with you two things I’ve learned along the way:




If you’re not writing for yourself, it won’t work.

If you want a following—engage. You get back what you put in.

And there you have it.

The recipe for mediocre blogging success.

Off you go now—create.

I have a dinner date.

Until next time,


38 thoughts on “Happy Anniversary

    1. Thanks Theresa! I corrected a few minor,and a couple of not-so-minor issues, and have resubmitted, promising myself – no more edits. At some point, you have to kick the bird out of the nest (turkey or not), and hope it flies, or at least doesn’t kill someone on the way down (WKRP).
      I see you’ll be at Fairview Mall in the new year promoting your book, that’s our daughter’s favourite Chapters. Exciting! Thanks for commenting, as always!


    1. Congrats to you also Marzi, one year was a huge milestone for me, you should be very proud! And yes, my wife is a bit jealous, but a writer’s bond with his/her laptop should never be taken for granted. Cheers, and here’s to another successful year!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Congrats! 🙂 I agree with the blogging lessons you’ve shared, but sadly I’m still bad at engaging with the “bleeps” (I like this new word). Like in real life, I stay on the sidelines and find it hard to approach. It will be one of the things that I will need to improve on, once I get back to my regular blogging.
    Good luck with your book!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! The engaging part is important, but I’m often struggling to stay interactive. There’s so much material I’d like to read and respond to, but it’s always difficult to find the time. I’ve always been a side-liner myself, and at my age, I don’t see any major shift coming any time soon, but a little goes a long way sometimes.
      Cheers Tiziana, thanks for your support!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations! May your date be everything you dreamt it would be. I love your new word Bleep. I sounds a lot like a placeholder I use often while blogging or rereading after a publish––I bleep bleep actually said that?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! The date may be a bit awkward, my laptop senses I’ve been eyeing the new series of IBM Ultrabooks. Time will tell.
      And yes, ‘bleep’ is useful word, I’ve similarly re-read some older work of mine and wished the ‘bleeping’ editor (me) caught it. Cheers, thanks for commenting!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Congrats to you!

    I totally agree with you here. I’ve been blogging for a few months and it’s exciting. I’m meeting and finding new amd cool blogs/bloogers!

    I wish be checking out your work.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You are correct Mike. The more I write the more I can evaluate my direction. Engaging is key. I’ve made some incredible online friends (including you) over time and enjoy the like mind mentality it brings. Slow and steady is my strategy. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. John.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks John, I appreciate the feedback. Yes, engaging makes a big difference, although can be challenging due to just how vast the medium is. Sometimes it’s overwhelming, but every small contact/comment makes a difference. Cheers!


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